Financial incentives and streamlined regulations are needed to make Energy-Efficiency Renovations more feasible in Helsinki
Blog, BlogiProperly managing EERs significantly improves buildings' energy performance to meet modern sustainability standards, ensuring the longevity and sustainability for future generations. However, reaching these goals is hindered by financial, regulatory, and technical challenges. Gillian Henderson explores these key problems and the solutions in her thesis.

Whether local administrators view wooden multistory buildings positively is a question of societal impacts
BlogA recent dissertation by Florencia Franzini sheds light on the various beliefs Finnish municipal civil servants hold about implementing wooden multistory buildings. According to the results, municipal civil servants perceive a variety of social goods associated with wooden multistory construction.

Estonia, KredEx – A Deep Renovation model for Europe
Estonia has a long-term renovation strategy target of 14,000 renovated apartment building in 2020-2050. The KredEx renovation grant system has brought on significant results in deep renovation. Since the first scheme of the grant system, there…

Suburbs in need of energy renovations
Apartment buildings from the 1960s and 1970s in Finland are usually given an energy efficiency rating between D and F. Renovations have the potential to improve energy efficiency and lower the climate impact of housing.
Over a third…