Julkaisun nimiLocal policy networks in support of wood-based construction: A case study from Joensuu, Finland
KirjoittajatMd. Rayhanur Rahman, Ida Wallin, Ritva Toivonen, Anne Toppinen
JulkaisijaForest Policy and Economics


Wood-based construction (WBC) is considered important for climate change mitigation, as buildings provide long-term carbon storage and contribute to sustainable urban solutions. Research shows that a lack of coordination among policy actors hinders the more rapid development of WBC in many contexts. Gaining a better understanding of the characteristics of local WBC-related policy networks is critical for speeding up WBC development. We conducted an exploratory case study on one WBC forerunner city, Joensuu, Finland. The results from our quantitative social network analysis show that the WBC policy network of Joensuu is moderately dense and mostly consists of research and business organizations. However, the local hub, Business Joensuu, holds a central position in the network despite being an intermediary non-profit business and a regional development organization. Information and knowledge sharing are the most common resources distributed among the actors, which implicitly suggests that the network is primarily contributing to research and innovation around WBC. Considering the diverse policy goal priority, statements related to WBC, actors are mostly interested in climate change mitigation measured by reducing carbon emissions from construction materials, followed by creating new employment opportunities. From the policy perspective, our findings concerning the WBC policy network of Joensuu showcase the importance of national and international policies in the local diffusion of WBC and the key role of collaborative actors.

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