
Tervetuloa keskustelemaan Decarbon-Home-hankkeen tähänastisista tieteellisistä tuloksista ja niiden yhteiskunnallisista vaikutuksista yhdessä hankkeemme kansainvälisten asiantuntijoiden kanssa. Neljän ensimmäisen hankevuoden aikana olemme lähestyneet asumisen ja rakentamisen oikeudenmukaisen kestävyysmurroksen edistämistä monista näkökulmista. Olemme tuottaneet tietoa asumiseen ja ilmastonmuutokseen liittyvistä arvoista, asenteista, käytännöistä, ilmastotoimenpiteiden edellytyksistä, ja jo toteutettujen toimenpiteiden onnistumisista. Parhaillaan kehitämme konkreettisia työkaluja ja ratkaisuja yhdessä monien sidosryhmien kanssa.

Kansainvälisen tieteellisen neuvonantajaryhmämme asiantuntijat edustavat omien alojensa huippututkimusta. Asiantuntijat ovat mukana tutkimuspäivässä sekä kommentoimassa ja keskustelemassa hankkeemme tuloksista, että tuomassa omia näkökulmiaan asumisen ja rakentamisen vähähiilisyyskeskusteluun. Asiantuntijoiden lähestymistavat koskettavat asumisen vähähiilisyyskysymyksiä filosofiasta politiikkaan, teknologiaan ja käytäntöihin. Päivän kieli on englanti.


Sampsa Hyysalo, Aalto
Jesper Ole Jensen, Aalborg
Ruut Peuhkuri, Aalborg
Harald Rohracher, Linköping
Ted Schatzki, Kentucky

Kohti vähähiilistä kotia ja asumista: näkökulmia hiiliviisauteen

Milloin: torstaina 6.2.2025 klo 9.00-15.30

Missä: Latokartanonkaari 9, 00790 Helsinki (Kokouskeskus, Tiimi A4)


09.00-09.30 aamukahvit, posterinäyttely

09.30-09.45 Decarbon-Home-hankkeen tilannekuva (Katja Lähtinen ja Uula Saastamoinen)

09.45-11.15 Hankkeen tulosesittelyjä (hankkeen tutkijat)

Henna Syrjälä: Macro and micro perspectives to online discourses on climate-wise housing
Santtu Karhinen: Energy poverty and housing values
Anna Strandell: Household energy consumption in primary and second homes and just energy transition
Eliisa Kylkilahti: Are people willing to share living space? Household preferences in Finland
Joni Vainikka: Five Finlands: Segmenting climate attitudes to manage equitable decarbonisation of housing
Jani Lukkarinen: Trade-offs in expanding citizen participation in low-carbon transitions: Seven transition arena experiments
Charlotta Harju: Co-creative methods to develop solutions for sustainable housing – Evidence from workshop series, Hackathon, and Transition Arenas
Erkki-Jussi Nylen: Thirty years of wood construction policy: a case of performative governance?

11.15-12.00 lounas, posterinäyttely jatkuu

12.00-13.30 Paneeli “Crucial issues around decarbonizing” (Hyysalo, Jensen, Peuhkuri, Rohracher, Schatzki)

13.30-14.00 kahvitauko, posterinäyttely jatkuu

14.00-15.30 Hankkeen meneillään olevan tutkimuksen esittelyjä (hankkeen tutkijat)

Sara-Ellen Laitinen: Caring for home: Barriers for home maintenance
Jouni Räihä: Which subsidy achieves the fairest distribution – Evidence from Finnish oil boiler subsidies
Anne Viljanen: Business ecosystems for urban sustainability: Retrofits, wood construction and nature-based solutions in Finland
Joni Vainikka: Vacant houses, emptying neighbourhoods: The (geo)politics of heating buildings in Finland

Ilmoittaudu mukaan täältä!

Decarbonising the house and the home: perspectives on carbon wisdom

When: Thu 6 February 2025 at 9:00-15:30

Where: Latokartanonkaari 9, 00790 Helsinki (Meeting centre, Tiimi A4)

The Decarbon-Home project warmly invites you to explore its scientific findings and discuss their societal implications with our team of international experts. Over the first four years of the project, we have examined the promotion of a just sustainability transition in housing and construction through diverse perspectives. Our work has produced valuable insights into values, attitudes, practices, conditions for climate action, and the successes of existing measures addressing housing and climate change. We are now collaborating with a broad array of stakeholders to develop concrete tools and solutions.

Our international scientific advisory group consists of leading experts from diverse fields, each representing the forefront of research in their respective domains. These experts will join us on the research day to comment on and discuss the findings of our project while sharing their own insights into the low-carbon transition in housing and construction. Their perspectives will span a wide range of topics, from philosophy and policy to technology and practice. The event will be conducted in English.


Sampsa Hyysalo, Aalto
Jesper Ole Jensen, Aalborg
Ruut Peuhkuri, Aalborg
Harald Rohracher, Linköping
Ted Schatzki, Kentucky


09:00-09:30 morning coffee, poster exhibition

09:30-09:45 Snapshot of the Decarbon-Home project (Katja Lähtinen and Uula Saastamoinen)

09:45-11:15 Project results presentations (project researchers)

Henna Syrjälä: Macro and micro perspectives to online discourses on climate-wise housing
Santtu Karhinen: Energy poverty and housing values
Anna Strandell: Household energy consumption in primary and second homes and just energy transition
Eliisa Kylkilahti: Are people willing to share living space? Household preferences in Finland
Joni Vainikka: Five Finlands: Segmenting climate attitudes to manage equitable decarbonisation of housing
Jani Lukkarinen: Trade-offs in expanding citizen participation in low-carbon transitions: Seven transition arena experiments
Charlotta Harju: Co-creative methods to develop solutions for sustainable housing – Evidence from workshop series, Hackathon, and Transition Arenas
Erkki-Jussi Nylen: Thirty years of wood construction policy: a case of performative governance?

11:15-12:00 Lunch, poster exhibition continues

12:00-13:30 Panel ”Crucial issues around decarbonizing” (Hyysalo, Jensen, Peuhkuri, Rohracher, Schatzki)

13:30-14:00 Coffee break, poster exhibition continues

14:00-15:30 Presentations of ongoing research (by project researchers)

Sara-Ellen Laitinen: Caring for home: Barriers for home maintenance
Jouni Räihä: Which subsidy achieves the fairest distribution – Evidence from Finnish oil boiler subsidies
Anne Viljanen: Business ecosystems for urban sustainability: Retrofits, wood construction and nature-based solutions in Finland
Joni Vainikka: Vacant houses, emptying neighbourhoods: The (geo)politics of heating buildings in Finland

Register to the event here!

Julkaisun nimi“It all depends on the project”—A business ecosystem in residential wooden multistory construction in Finland
KirjoittajatAnne Toppinen, Anniina Aaltio, Katja Lähtinen, Jaakko Jussila, Ritva Toivonen
JulkaisijaFrontiers in Built Environment


Using wood in multistory apartment construction (WMC) has a climate-positive advantage with buildings acting as long-term carbon storage. Business ecosystem (BE) development around WMC is needed to accelerate the adoption of wooden materials in the conservative construction industry. As the business actors around WMC are essentially different from those using other building materials, new knowledge must be built from the project level. This study uses a qualitative interview approach among actors from three pioneering urban building projects to address their perceptions of building with wood regarding a project-based BE. Based on the thematic analysis, sources of both tangible and intangible value creation were found to arise from building with wood. A higher degree of prefabrication associated with WMC was seen in all projects to influence the reorganization of logistics, enabling faster building processes and lean material use. No strong sustainability-driven culture could be identified in any of the projects. Results further flag the sensitivity and importance of management and coordination skills in targeting improvements of the construction business based on WMC. In the bigger picture, there is still room for further research at regional and global level on business model changes in building with this renewable and recyclable material.