
We are looking for diverse households – now, especially families with children and youngsters! – to share their experiences related to housing. The information collected in the study aims to address challenges related to sustainable living.

By participating in the research, we will interview you on everyday aspects of housing as well as themes related to home maintenance and repairs. The interview lasts about 60-90 minutes.

Among the participants, there will be a drawing for one 300-euro (taxable) cash prize.

Sign up for the study through this link: or by using QR code:

Decarbon-Home project

The research is part of a Strategic Research Council funded project Towards carbon-free homes (Decarbon-Home).

Participate – your contribution is crucial!

The project researchers will provide additional information about participating in the study:

Sara-Ellen Laitinen, University of Helsinki (sara-ellen.laitinen(at)

Elina Tikkanen, University of Vaasa (elina.tikkanen(at)

Image: Piia Keto has illustrated project’s research results