
DECARBON-HOME has entered its second three-year term, and we are stacking up a great variety of research findings. Now, we are arranging a one-day research seminar that portrays both our researchers and the streams of science along which we collaborate. We thus feature keynotes by two of our senior scientists, professors Jarek Kurnitski and Anne Toppinen, both members of the Finnish Climate Change Panel. Our two focal approaches to decarbonizing housing and construction in Finland – Governance, Business, and Policies and Values, Attitudes, and Practices – bring together researcher presentations in two sets of parallel sessions.

Decarbonizing suburban and rural housing – Citizens as agents of change

Research seminar

When: 19 March 2024
Where: University of Helsinki, Fabianinkatu 33, 3rd floor, auditorium F3003

Welcome to the seminar! See the full program below (or in pdf-format).

You can register your interest by clicking HERE, or by scanning the QR code:

DECARBON-HOME on aloittanut toisen kolmivuotiskautensa, ja olemme jo tuottaneet paljon erilaisia tutkimustuloksia. Nyt järjestämme yksipäiväisen tutkimusseminaarin, jossa esitellään sekä tutkijoitamme että lähestymistapoja, joiden kautta teemme yhteistyötä. Pääpuhujina on kaksi johtavaa tutkijaamme, professorit Jarek Kurnitski ja Anne Toppinen, jotka molemmat ovat Suomen ilmastopaneelin jäseniä. Kaksi keskeistä lähestymistapaamme asumisen ja rakentamisen hiilidioksidipäästöjen vähentämiseen Suomessa – hallinto, liiketoiminta ja politiikat sekä arvot, asenteet ja käytännöt – kokoavat tutkijoiden esitykset rinnakkaisiin sessioihin.

Tervetuloa seminaariin! Katso koko ohjelma alta (tai pdf-muodossa).

Rekisteröidy klikkaamalla TÄSTÄ tai skannaamalla QR-koodin:

The Nest Hackathon is organized in collaboration with Helsinki Think Company and the experts in the field from the Decarbon-Home research project.

Nest Hackathon is a multidisciplinary weekend challenge that brings together students and professionals from various study backgrounds to develop innovative solutions for sustainable housing. The participants will develop a pilot that helps to renovate over a million homes in Finland and help tackle one of the biggest emitters in Finland.

The hackathon will have an unique atmosphere, where teams can focus on developing a pilot product for the theme of the challenge. Helsinki Think Company will create an atmosphere that encourages innovation and is familiar to hackathon veterans everywhere.

Who can take part?

Good news, the hackathon is open for everyone! No matter if you are a student, in the early stages of your career or further along, this is the perfect opportunity to challenge yourself and learn from the experts in the field. All that is required is that the person brings their talent to the table and wants to be part of a team that innovates in an efficient manner.

It is possible to apply to Nest Hackathon individually or as a team. The teams can be either set or formed by the organizers.

The ability to understand Finnish is required within the team, as some of the material is in Finnish only. Not everyone within the team has to be Finnish-speaking, though.

The theme of the challenge – how to make energy renovation as easy as possible for homeowners?

Climate change and the energy crisis have encouraged more and more Finns to consider and implement energy renovations in their homes. In particular, there are many opportunities for energy efficiency measures in rural areas, where renovations are currently needed.

Therefore, there is a need for tools and solutions to tackle this issue. During Nest Hackathon, the participants will work in interdisciplinary teams to create gamified solutions through an app to incentivize sustainable behaviors and provide homeowners with information and resources to make their homes more environmentally smart.

The wider scope: knowledge to action!

The Nest Hackathon is organized as a collaboration between Helsinki Think Company and the multidisciplinary Decarbon-Home research project. The project’s mission is to promote a fair and socially just sustainability revolution in housing and construction. Decarbon-Home works together with cities, residents and other stakeholders to reach concrete solutions in order to reach the goal.

Nest Hackathon occurs over a weekend with the experienced facilitation by Helsinki Think Company. However, the challenge does not stop there! For the best ideas, there is excitingly a possibility for further funding within the project.

How to apply?

Nest Hackathon will take place on the weekend of 15th to 17th September. Application period to Nest Hackathon lasts until August 31st. But why wait until then? We will make the first selections already by June 9th, so that you can spend the summer relaxing!

Apply to make a difference and grow as an expert in a unique atmosphere! Read more and apply at

Julkaisun nimiCo-developing sustainability – a consumer-inclusive approach to wooden housing business in Finland
KirjoittajatEliisa Kylkilahti, Minna Autio, Viktor Harvio, Ulrika Holmberg, Anne Toppinen
JulkaisijaHousing Studies


The housing construction industry can address sustainability issues by developing its business practices. This requires a shift from a firm-driven business logic to a consumer-inclusive approach where consumers and businesses together enhance sustainable development. By analyzing data from focus group discussions with both industry experts in the wooden multi-storey construction business and consumers residing in novel wooden buildings, this study examines how businesses can engage consumers in the development of sustainable housing. The results are presented as an iterative dialogue process that acknowledges consumers as important actors to whom innovative housing solutions should be appropriately introduced and whose lived experiences need to be understood. The findings indicate that consumer experiences can feed the creation and uptake of innovations that enhance sustainability in the construction sector. The study fosters the material aspect of sustainable housing and, by highlighting consumer participation and communication, proposes tools for its consumer-inclusive co-development.