Julkaisun nimiAre people willing to share living space? Household preferences in Finland
KirjoittajatEnni Ruokamo, Eliisa Kylkilahti, Michael Lettenmeier, Anne Toppinen
JulkaisijaBuildings & Cities


This paper explores citizens’ interest in space sharing in private housing. It is based on a large-scale random sample citizen survey (N = 1448) conducted in Finland focusing on multiple aspects of low-carbon housing. Both quantitative preference-related results and qualitatively analysed open question responses show that the concept of shared space use is relatively low in popularity. However, there are differences depending on the space to be shared. Approximately half of the respondents are willing to use shared space for exercise, children playing and repairing activities, whereas a small fraction would use it for cooking, working and studying, or guest accommodation. Respondents’ backgrounds only slightly impact the willingness to share spaces. However, people in urban areas are more willing to share spaces. Larger floor area per inhabitant is negatively associated with the willingness to share spaces. This implies that sufficiency in housing is linked with space-sharing interests. This paper concludes that space-sharing is relatively unattractive under present conditions. Improving functionality and social trust by attractive design, clearer user rules and spreading good examples could be approaches to enhance the situation.

Julkaisun nimiRetrofitting urban areas with wood: the origin of new projects in an emerging business ecosystem
KirjoittajatAnne Viljanen, Mikko Kurttila, Anne Toppinen
JulkaisijaSilva Fennica


Nurturing a low-carbon residential building stock requires businesses to create new solutions for markets. Wood material-based retrofits would be one solution but have remained rare in the urban context. Our study explores the structure and dynamics of an emerging business ecosystem (BE) of wooden retrofits in Finland. We study wooden retrofit projects, from the perspective of the initial steps of local-level development. By applying the concepts of BE and dynamic capabilities, we aim to shed light on the role of actors and their early-stage decision-making and use actor mapping and qualitative analysis of 27 thematic interviews with retrofit businesses and municipal actors. Results show that project initiation has relied on individual champions seizing opportunities as a main base in building dynamic capabilities. Builders and customers are key actors of wooden retrofit projects in local BEs in Finland. The identified actors are further involved with future plans for wooden retrofits, some with ambitious deep renovation with wood. Motivations for projects are driven from urban densification strategies, improvement of suburban neighborhood attractiveness and from the efficiency of space utilization. Results further elaborate a certain degree of difficulty in the early-stage decision-making. This study contributes to the scientific knowledge of both the BE and the dynamic capability perspective by exploring a path to material-driven sustainable construction in the Finnish context. We provide new information on this emerging retrofit construction business with potentially significant international implications if scaled up more widely.

Julkaisun nimiMunicipal experimental policy engagements in the built environment
KirjoittajatDavid Lazarevic, Saija Mokkila, Paula Kivimaa, Jani Lukkarinen, Anne Toppinen
JulkaisijaEnvironmental Innovation and Societal Transitions


Experimentation is a key theme in the sustainability transition literature, where cities are recognized as key intermediaries in experimentation. Whilst attention has focused on the role of the cities as intermediary actors, the ways in which municipalities engage in and support experimentation is less known. In a collective case study of four Finnish municipalities, we draw on the transformative innovation policy literature to investigate the experimental policy engagements and the types of transformative outcomes the municipalities aim to influence. The municipalities engaged in socio-technical experimentation, both as regime-based intermediaries and as innovators experimenting with internal processes and tools. Their attention was focused on building and expanding niches, with unlocking regimes seen to be something beyond their scope. We can observe an experimental culture beginning to emerge at the local governance level. Whilst projectification in the public sector has enabled this emergence, it also influences the form and continuity of experimentation.

Julkaisun nimiActor perceptions and network characteristics around climate-wise housing and construction in Finland
KirjoittajatVesa Kanninen, Selja Ryöppy, Katja Lähtinen, Anne Toppinen
JulkaisijaBuilding research & information


Interaction between actors in sustainability transition is fundamental for generating knowledge about what constitutes a just, equitable and sustainable society. This paper focuses on the Finnish housing and construction sector as a socio-technical system, which currently accounts for about 40% of energy consumption and 35% of greenhouse gas emissions. A qualitative interview study with 18 organizations and a larger network study involving 35 actors were conducted to address the research questions: How do actors constitute a network and define climate-wise housing and construction? What specific focus areas can be identified around climate action? What issues support or inhibit climate-wise housing and construction? Although the network appeared relatively dense and inclusive, misalignment emerged upon closer examination. The actors were uniformly engaged in energy-related topics, but differed in their emphasis level on household choices, low-carbon materials, and the circular economy. Supporting and inhibiting factors were identified within three broad categories: alignment of goals, network characteristics, and transformation propensity. The findings suggest that climate action is gaining ground in housing and construction, but there is evidence of institutional inertia, a demand for accelerating support for intermediation, and a need to harness organizational resources and individual capabilities to create sustainability transitions.

Julkaisun nimiTo renovate or build with wood? Results from Finnish citizen survey data
KirjoittajatEnni Ruokamo, Florencia Franzini, Katja Lähtinen, Anne Toppinen
JulkaisijaConstruction Management and Economics


Finland shows strong support for reducing its climate footprint originating from the built environment as part of the national carbon neutrality goal by 2035. Two prime examples are increasing wood use in construction and favoring building renovation to alleviate emissions from the use of virgin construction materials. However, the open question remains whether citizens also support these decarbonization pathways. By using national-level data from a randomly sampled citizen survey in Finland (n = 1448), we model citizen preferences to these two decarbonization pathways. The results suggest that a preference to renovate rather than to build anew is shown by respondents of the female gender; over 55 years of age; with a lower household equivalent income; and possessing housing property investment. Wood material is positively favored by respondents with higher age; a lower household equivalent income; living in smaller population centers in the countryside; and owning forestland. Interestingly, the effect of climate agency was negative in both models. This can be interpreted in the wood material case as reflecting conflicting views of negative environmental effects from forest harvesting to produce renewable building materials. In the renovation model case, we argue that the climatic impact of renovations remain weakly understood by citizens in Finland, given that the media and national regulations emphasize operational emissions. These results benefit both policy makers and municipal-level decision making in understanding of acceptability of wood material use and building retrofits among the general public.

Julkaisun nimiLand-use policy instruments for sustainable housing: insights from municipality planners in Finland
KirjoittajatKatja Lähtinen, Vesa Kanninen, Pia Bäcklund, Liina Häyrinen, Atte Koskivaara, Nicki Malm
JulkaisijaUrban, Planning and Transport Research


Local land-use governance is critical for enhancing sustainable housing, which is a topical issue in implementing UN Sustainable Development Goals. Yet, information is lacking on how the use of land-use policy instruments and fulfilment of goals connect with each other. To fill this void, this study addresses local operationalization of sustainable housing aims, and their effects on the use of local land-use policy instruments in Finnish municipalities with legislative power to promote local sustainability through their own actions. The material of the study is based on online survey data collected in 2021 from land-use planners working in Finnish municipalities. According to our results based on quantitative analysis implemented with multi-variate methods, themes to promote sustainable housing in the Finnish municipalities are the Citizen focus enhanced by formal, and the Construction focus enhanced by informal approaches. Thus, despite the similar regulatory possibilities for their simultaneous promotion, local land-use governance instruments seem to be used in Finland to enhance either social or environmental sustainability. The phenomenon may exist also in other countries calling for more information on simultaneous promotion of different sustainability aspects in housing, e.g. by uptake of mixes of informal and formal land-use planning instruments in local decision-making.

Julkaisun nimiLocal policy networks in support of wood-based construction: A case study from Joensuu, Finland
KirjoittajatMd. Rayhanur Rahman, Ida Wallin, Ritva Toivonen, Anne Toppinen
JulkaisijaForest Policy and Economics


Wood-based construction (WBC) is considered important for climate change mitigation, as buildings provide long-term carbon storage and contribute to sustainable urban solutions. Research shows that a lack of coordination among policy actors hinders the more rapid development of WBC in many contexts. Gaining a better understanding of the characteristics of local WBC-related policy networks is critical for speeding up WBC development. We conducted an exploratory case study on one WBC forerunner city, Joensuu, Finland. The results from our quantitative social network analysis show that the WBC policy network of Joensuu is moderately dense and mostly consists of research and business organizations. However, the local hub, Business Joensuu, holds a central position in the network despite being an intermediary non-profit business and a regional development organization. Information and knowledge sharing are the most common resources distributed among the actors, which implicitly suggests that the network is primarily contributing to research and innovation around WBC. Considering the diverse policy goal priority, statements related to WBC, actors are mostly interested in climate change mitigation measured by reducing carbon emissions from construction materials, followed by creating new employment opportunities. From the policy perspective, our findings concerning the WBC policy network of Joensuu showcase the importance of national and international policies in the local diffusion of WBC and the key role of collaborative actors.

Julkaisun nimi“We Need to Build Carbon-Neutral Houses” – Discourses of Responsible Expertise in Finnish Professional Media
KirjoittajatLiisa Kääntä, Merja Koskela, Henna Syrjälä, Eveliina Salmela
JulkaisijaEnvironmental Communication


In this study, we explore how expertise and responsibility are discursively intertwined in professional media. Based on quotations from building and real-estate industry professionals in news texts concerning sustainable building and housing, we identified three responsibility-related discourses: responsibility as a strategic professional vision, responsibility as techno-material expertise, and responsibility as a communal and societal orientation. These discourses of responsible expertise are important for voicing professional perspectives and emphasizing corporate social responsibility (CSR). In the sustainability transition, industry professionals are balancing between organizational and industry-level motives, between utility perspectives for “us” and “others,” and between managing impressions of doing good for the industry and for citizens or society at large. Through and with journalism, these professionals disseminate both individual and organizational expertise to the public in order to “make the industry and the whole society better and more sustainable.”

Julkaisun nimiIlmastoviisaan asumisen teemat ja kontekstit – Kun systeemimaailma kohtaa elämismaailman julkisessa keskustelussa
KirjoittajatMerja Koskela, Eveliina Salmela, Liisa Kääntä, Henna Syrjälä
JulkaisijaCommunicating with Purpose. Vaasa: VAKKI Publications 15.
ISBN/DOIISBN: 978-952-69732-2-7


This study examines which topics climate-wise housing is connected to in public speech. Climate-wise housing stands for housing choices that take social, ecological and economic perspectives into account. The data of the study consists of a variety of journalistic texts and online discussions collected in a larger research project. Content analysis is used as a method, and the findings are discussed applying Habermas’ concepts of system and lifeworld. The results show that in the journalistic media, the system-level starting point is strong and the individuals’ point of view comes to the fore only in certain types of stories. Economics and technology in particular are important ways of understanding climate-wise housing. In online discussions, the starting point is citizens’ own lifeworld, which is connected to their everyday experiences. However, the topics of the discussions are also connected to the system through the presence of the (market) economy, which leads to seeing citizens in the role of consumers. As a whole, our analysis shows that climate-wise living becomes a part of citizens’ everyday life both through the system, for example as a result of political decisions, and through grassroot level choices. From both starting points, efforts can be made towards more climate-wise living.

Julkaisun nimiPieniä neliöitä, aurinkopaneeleita ja kulutuksen vähentämistä – Ilmastotietäminen kodin käytänteissä
KirjoittajatSara-Ellen Laitinen, Eliisa Kylkilahti, Henna Syrjälä


Consumers’ daily activities at their homes have an impact on the climate emissions of housing. We approach living as home practices. We study how consumers understand climate-wise housing and what kind of home practices they consider climate-wise. The concept of climate wisdom has not been previously defined in the scientific debate. We approach the concept through the practice of knowing, which means that wisdom is a practical activity based on knowing. The practice of knowing is a dispersed practice, while home practices are integrated practices, of which the practice of knowing can be a part. These practices can share climate wisdom with each other as an element of a general understanding. Consequently, knowledge of climate wisdom can be realized as climate-wise home practices. We analyzed consumers’ understanding of climate-wise housing from the interviews (n=30) by using thematic content analysis and practice theory reading. According to the study, climate-wise housing is understood broadly, but convergently. Climate-wise housing includes various knowledge-based everyday doings and solutions, which concern the choice of energy source, reduction of many types of consumption, recycling, waste sorting and sharing. Consumers have shared understandings of what is climate-wise, and climate wisdom can be seen as part of a practice of knowing. However, the understanding of climate wisdom does not necessarily appear as climate-wise actions implemented in everyday life.


Kuluttajien arkisella toiminnalla kodeissa on vaikutusta asumisen ilmastopäästöihin. Lähestymme asumista kodin käytänteinä. Tutkimme sitä, miten kuluttajat ymmärtävät ilmastoviisaan asumisen ja millaiset kodin käytänteet ovat heidän mielestään ilmastoviisaita. Ilmastoviisaus-käsitettä ei ole aiemmin tieteellisessä keskustelussa määritelty. Lähestymme käsitettä tietämisen käytänteen kautta, jolloin viisaus on tietämiseen perustuvaa käytännön toimintaa. Tietämisen käytänne on hajautunut käytänne, kun taas kodin käytänteet yhdistäviä käytänteitä, joiden osa tietämisen käytänne voi olla. Nämä käytänteet voivat jakaa keskenään yleisen ymmärryksen elementin ilmastoviisaudesta, jolloin tietäminen ilmastoviisaudesta voi toteutua ilmastoviisaina kodin käytänteinä. Analysoimme kuluttajien ymmärryksiä ilmastoviisaasta asumisesta haastatteluaineistosta (n=30) temaattisen sisällönanalyysin ja käytäntöteoreettisen luennan avulla. Tulokset osoittavat, että ilmastoviisas asuminen käsitetään laajasti, mutta yhtenäisesti. Ilmastoviisas asuminen on tietämiseen perustuvia erilaisia arjen tekoja ja ratkaisuja, jotka koskevat energialähteen valintaa, monenlaisen kulutuksen vähentämistä, kierrättämistä, jätteiden lajittelua ja jakamista. Kuluttajilla on jaetut ymmärrykset siitä, mikä on ilmastoviisasta ja ilmastoviisaus voidaan nähdä osana tietämisen käytänteitä. Ymmärrys ilmastoviisaudesta ei kuitenkaan välttämättä näy arjessa toteutettuina ilmastoviisaina tekoina.